Cllr. Mary Mears

BH2021/01810 - Saltdean Lido


14th July 2021:

As a ward councillor for Rottingdean Coastal I am writing to fully support the above planning and consent application for Saltdean Lido.


Finally the SLCIC been able to bring planning forward.


The history around Saltdean Lido goes back many years to when the council as the freeholder brough it back inhouse from the leaseholder at the time. The building then was in a very bad state of disrepair.


BH021/01810 is a fantastic opportunity to continue the mixed use of leisure, library, café/restaurant, function/events office use and so much more, bringing a centre point back to Saltdean which is very much needed and beyond.


The plans are exciting and bold and with the swimming pool will be a beacon at the East of the City.


BH2021/01811 Listed Building Consent Application are the internal and external alterations needed to complete this amazing project, creating a fantastic space for residents and visitors.


It’s been 18 years as a ward councillor for Saltdean Lido get to the stage, it would take pages and pages to give the history over the years, so I am delighted to give my full support going forward.


My understanding is these application will come to committee, therefore I wish to reserve my right to speak at the planning committee.